High school student Hitomi is transported from Earth to the magical world of Gaea, where she meets boy prince Van Fanel, and is caught up in his quest to unite the countries of Gaea ...
In a distant future, Tetsuro is a human boy who wants his body replaced with a robotic one. This is possible, but to do so he has to reach the Immortal Planet onboard the space train ...
The introverted Otto is moving in with his cousin. After a night out, they end up in the clutches of a criminal culprit which sends them into a gloomy and criminal world. The boys have ...
Federation troops and Zeon forces carry out a fierce battle in the Thunderbolt Sector in what was once Side 4 "Mua". The Thunderbolt Sector is a shoal zone composed of the debris of ...
Exposing the parental-paradox that it is possible, in the very same moment, to love your child to the horizon of the universe, while being apoplectically angry enough to want to send ...
Five years after the death of schoolgirl Andie Bell, Pippa Fitz-Amobi sets out to uncover what really happened to her. Sal Singh, Andie's boyfriend, admitted to the murder before taking ...
Jamie Oliver celebrates Christmas 2022 with some deliciously easy dishes to see us all through the festive season, from party menus to the main event of Christmas dinner itself.