Sheida intends to travel abroad to seek treatment for her daughter, but due to her husband's secrecy and lies, she faces a horrible event that changes her life forever and...
Follows Atlanta-based self-made multimillionaire Todd Chrisley, his devoted wife Julie and their five children who live a seemingly picture-perfect Southern life with everything money ...
The story of the card game follows what happens when "Hairou" portals suddenly open, fusing five different worlds together. As a result, various mysterious "Exceed" powers are awakened ...
Insecure bank clerk Stanley Ipkiss uses an ancient mask to gain superpowers while taking on the mischievous and cartoonish, but heroic and good-hearted personality of The Mask
Der letzte Bulle is a German television series that was first aired in 2010. The series is about a cop from the 1980s put into a modern police department in Essen.
Jagaddhatri is an 2022 Indian Bengali language Romantic Thriller Drama television series that premiered on 29 August 2022 on Bengali General Television Entertainment Channel Zee Bangla ...