The story follows Arion, a young man kidnapped by Hades as a child and raised to believe that his mother was blinded by Zeus and that killing the ruler of Mount Olympus will cure her.
Preventing the kidnapping of elementary school student Yumi
Preventing the kidnapping of elementary school student Yumi
This is an educational anime short produced to be shown in schools and designed to prevent child abduction. It follows a young girl named Yumi who dreams about a video game she is ...
Domain of Murder
Domain of Murder
On the trail of a missing husband, private investigator Goro crosses paths with a deranged killer.
Ziggy: Soreyuke! R&R Band
Ziggy: Soreyuke! R&R Band
Japanese rock band Ziggy comes to London and gets attacked upon arrival at the hotel after a recording session. The musicians barely escape the attack; however, soon they learn that ...