Madö King Granzört
Madö King Granzört
Madö King Granzört is a Japanese young children's animated television series that aired from 1989-1990. It was produced by Bandai Visual and animated by Sunrise animation studio. It ...
Ganbare! Bokura no Hit and Run
Ganbare! Bokura no Hit and Run
Inaba Junior High School's baseball team has been defeated miserably since the senior members left. Because of their poor results, the players are suspended from games and are almost ...
The Three Musketeers: Adventure of Aramis
The Three Musketeers: Adventure of Aramis
Aramis fell off her horse and received the aid of a man named Francois. They fell in love with each other at first sight and spent their time happily for a while. Francois was killed by ...