Ninjaman Ippei
Ninjaman Ippei
Way out in the sticks, the fourth-graders of the local school in Tokio village all have their own superpowers of doubtful merit, including flying eyeballs and missile-hair. Ippei and ...

Future Robot Daltanious
Future Robot Daltanious
Future Robot Daltanious was an anime series that aired from 1979 to 1980. The show is one of the mecha shows which was and still remains very popular among Asian countries and Italy.

Homerun Kanta
Homerun Kanta
Ippatsu Kanta-kun is an anime created by Tatsunoko Production. Along with Temple the Balloonist, it was one of the last works for which Tatsunoko co-founder Tatsuo Yoshida was credited ...