The story of a 15-year-old junior high school student. Hiroshi transfers from a private school to a public one in order to emulate the delinquents in his manga books. On his first day, ...
A serial killer is victimizing the city of Linghai so criminal police investigator Ji Fan , Captain Xiong Zhen Nan, and forensic doctor Zhao Qing Yan create a task force to launch an ...
In Camargue, four guys in dire straits turn to escorting to save their childhood beekeeping estate. Coached by the group's little sister who manages this unique 'business' in the ...
Two royal houses battle for the power to rule the Kingdom of Fir. In order to secure the Kingdom, two representatives go back in time to find the mythical Firebird, which will allow its ...
In a close-knit Georgia community, a family-owned wrestling promotion finds two brothers and rivals war over their late father’s legacy. In the ring, somebody must play the good guy and ...