The comedy follows a lion, toucan, and lizard as they live the lives of office workers in a capitalist society in Japan, while also dealing with their unique situations as animals ...
An insider look at the lives of iconic adult performers Joey Mills, Max Konnor, Boomer Banks, and Dante Colle as they journey to form friendships and find love in the Big Apple.
A story about an adorable post-95 girl who thought that she struck gold sitting next to the class genius only to find that things don't go as planned.
After transferring to a new ...
Toshi-chan and BB live in a hut with a blue sheet on the banks of the Tama River. Having lived there for several years, they are familiar with the area. The two of them gather cans ...
Pernille Kurzmann Larsen, a fresh-faced nurse at a hospital, begins to question the attention-seeking tendencies of her colleague, Christina Aistrup Hansen. As Pernille delves deeper ...
A romantic comedy about a woman who will soon turn 33 years old, and the love that wavers between two contrasting men who appear before her: a high-spec, secure TV station employee and ...