Victor Matellano directs this tale set in a stately English manor inhabited by two older female vampires and with their only cohabitant being a man imprisoned in the basement. Their ...
The Concavenator Valley
The Concavenator Valley
Three researchers work on a paleontological project focusing on two dinosaurs: one fictional, the one created by special effects genius Ray Harryhausen for the film The Valley of Gwangi ...
Mi adorado Monster
Mi adorado Monster
With humor, prolific director Víctor Matellano tells the story of one of the most iconic and problematic cult films of Spain's "fantaterror": Los resucitados by Arturo de Bobadilla. A ...
El valle de Concavenator
El valle de Concavenator
Documentary about the species of dinosaur found in Cuenca and protagonist of some installment of Jurassic Park.