The story follows Hime Arikawa, whose absent parents have left him saddled with a huge debt. After being saved from debt collectors by three girls on the student council, in exchange ...
When Yadomi Jinta was a child, he was a central piece in a group of close friends. In time, however, these childhood friends drifted apart, and when they became high school students, ...
The world has become a slaughtering ground for the Crimson Denizens, mysterious beings from a parallel universe who thrive on the life energy of humans. These merciless murderers only ...
The Bill Dana Show is a United States comedy series .The plot follows the daily lifestyle of Latin American, Jose Jimenez, as a bellhop in a New York hotel.
Following the adventures of a bunch of nobodies who get up to a whole lot of nothing in the fictional prairie town of Dog River, Saskatchewan, Corner Gas focuses on the life (or lack ...
Yuan Chuyu coincidentally encounters Liang Ze, the senior she had secretly admired. The two of them start a passionate and intense love affair. However, just when their love reaches its ...