Dororon Enma-kun, also known as Satanikus!, is a Japanese horror-comedy anime and manga series created by Go Nagai. It's one of Nagai's most famous works in Japan, although not very ...
The Legend of Jesse James is an American western series starring Christopher Jones in the tile role of notorious outlaw Jesse James. The series aired on ABC from September 13, 1965, to ...
Five Female high school friends reunite as the secret crime-fighting organization known as Sailor Victory. Commanding 3 giant Ninja Robots, Gion, Momoyama and Sagano, they fight evil in ...
Enter Kong Xue Li, a budding young policeman, and Fang Dong, a keen-minded coroner. This duo has become myth-busting hoax detectives, using their wits and knowledge of contemporary ...
Dr Lucinda Edwards is a smart, battle-hardened doctor, but we meet her on a nightmare shift that ends in the death of an opioid overdose victim, Edith Owusu. Despite the support of her ...
Rizan, a prison warden tries to fulfill the last wish of a prisoner named Zulkifly to be reunited with his family members. Rizan is so focused on managing Zulkifly's affairs that he ...
Bobby Flay and his chef friends mentor the country's most-respected barbecue pitmasters in an intense competition. At stake is the title of Master of 'Cue and the opportunity to be ...