ZURÜCKgespult – Wie das Fernsehen uns geprägt hat
ZURÜCKgespult – Wie das Fernsehen uns geprägt hat

Lost Women Art
Lost Women Art
Women write art history – but in turn are systematically ignored by it. LOST WOMEN ART tells the story of the suppressed female avant-garde and by doing so introduces a new art history.

True Demon
True Demon
Anna and Jess have been looking forward to going camping together. But their fun trip is cut short when Jess suddenly disappears under
mysterious and seemingly supernatural ...

Totilas – The Million Dollar Business With The Horse of The Century
Totilas – The Million Dollar Business With The Horse of The Century
Illuminates the life and suffering of the stallion of the century Totilas, who set standards in dressage and inspired millions of people. Companions sometimes speak for the first time ...