The story unfolds through a present-day encounter of an older man, Gunther, and a rebellious teenager, DJ, as the story of Father Max teaches the young boy about love and sacrifice.
Alessandro and Arturo have been together for over 15 years and, despite the feeling they still have for each other, their relationship is now at crisis. When Alessandro’s best friend, ...
The happiness and well-being of the wealthy beauty Anna collapses when her businessman husband, without explanation, leaves her and files for divorce. Shortly before the divorce, Anna ...
Advocate Rajasekharan and his wife Sumathy have remained separate for unknown reasons. Their daughter Vandana has been staying with Sumathi and she has never seen her father as her ...
The young, despotic and untalented artist Adolf Hitler comes to Vienna to study art. He befriends the Jew Schlomo Herzl working on a novel with the title "Mein Kampf". Hitler is ...
In the year 199X, on the dark, shady streets of New Kabuki Town, the free-for-all between gangs of young delinquents and a corrupt police force is further complicated by the appearance ...
Luca is a famous actor working on his new film as both its star and director. One day he gets extremely sick and, while at the hospital, rethinks his life.
Angel, a young intelligent and kind, aims to be a police inspector. Rafael instead is an expeditious, forceful and arrogant policeman. Meanwhile, Miguel and Mateo are part of Group 7, ...
Wait: the talking horse Julius fell in love! And this time everything is serious - he asks for a hand, that is, the hooves of a royal mare named the Star of the East from Sultan Rashid. ...
At the end of the TV series of the same name, it is revealed that the husband works for the Public Security Bureau, and their marriage is a cover to keep her under surveillance. In ...