In a futuristic world where the polar ice caps have melted and made Earth a liquid planet, a beautiful barmaid rescues a mutant seafarer from a floating island prison. They escape, ...
A House on Fire follows brilliant doctor and mother Deborah Green (Stephanie March) who had the epitome of a picture-perfect life with two children, an adoring husband (Shaun Benson) ...
Cauliflower is a 35-year-old Britisher who goes by the strict philosophies set by his grandfather,comes to India. One fine day, he gets raped by three girls and things change upside ...
Regina, our young protagonist, always dreamed of getting married. And she did it - but the dream lasted much less than she thought and now she has to face life in a very funny way as a ...
High school student Naoki Tomura grew up in a remote area in Hokkaido. He meets piano tuner Soichiro Itadori in school and eventually decides to work at Itadori’s musical instrument ...
Divaswapna is a story of the journey of a village boy named Kanaji who achieved all his dreams with his courage, commitment and passion despite of many odds in his life.
In a soon to be demolished block of apartments, the residents resist the criminal methods used to force them to leave so a greedy tycoon can build his new skyscraper. When tiny ...
In the 21st century, a nuclear war turned most of the Earth's surface into a desert wasteland, which also resulted in the contamination of the Earth's water supply. A man named Sanga ...