HECKLER is a comedic feature documentary exploring the increasingly critical world we live in. After starring in a film that was critically bashed, Jamie Kennedy takes on hecklers and ...

The Denigration of Carl Skiln
The Denigration of Carl Skiln
Up against a deadline, a narcissistic screenwriter forces two of his worst critics to delete their reviews of his work at gunpoint.

A Heist Film
A Heist Film
In a local cafeteria, an unlikely trio of friends argue about how to rob the bank from across the street. It all changes when the waitress who serves them discovers their plans.

Phil Gunderson Teaches Screenwriting
Phil Gunderson Teaches Screenwriting
When faced with the crushing realization that he is a hack, a successful and cocky screenwriter must stumble his way through filming a MasterClass without ruining his reputation.