An ordinary senior high school girl named Mika meets Hiro, a showy boy with dyed hair and pierced ears. It is a "pure love" story of the two going through many unimaginably sad ...
The Escapist's groundbreaking video review series. Every episode Zero Punctuation picks apart the games so you don't have to. Called "hilariously cutting ... first legitimate breakout ...
Curious about his uncle’s past, Wu Xie watched a mysterious video tape, only to find himself mixed up in an elaborate conspiracy. In his adventures, he encountered Zhang Qi Ling, Xie Yu ...
From the creator of Projek: Anchor SPM comes High Council. The story of troubled student Fakhri on a mission to end bullying and injustices in his elite boarding school by dismantling ...
Modern dating is a world filled with white lies, false pretences and confusing games. It's a world that Nina, an undiagnosed autistic woman, is about to shake up.