Branded is an American Western series which aired on NBC from 1965 through 1966, sponsored by Procter & Gamble in its Sunday night 8:30 p.m. Eastern Time period, and starred Chuck ...
Kimito Kagurazaka is an ordinary high school boy who is kidnapped by an elite young lady's academy to be a "sample of the common people." The school is full of sheltered girls who have ...
The main character – philosophy professor Radomir Pavlovic is at the peak of his power when he sets out on that journey – young enough and yet not old enough to understand everything ...
A story follows a young businessman, Paul who plans to get back Crown Diamond, the company once owned by his mother. He is determined to take revenge and retrieve everything from the ...
In the midst of a war between the families of Demitri Maximoff and Morrigan Aensland for control of the Demon World, alien invader Pyron arrives on Earth and plans to take it over by ...